PHONE: (510)396-8932
ADDRESS: 38350 Fremont Blvd Suite 202C
                    Fremont, CA 94536
Summary 服务范围 Document List 材料清单 Processing Time & Fee 处理时间及费用

Summary of China Document Authentication Service
China Visa and Notary Service provides authentication expediting services to U.S. citizens and foreign nationals on documents that will be used in P.R. China. Authentication ensures that the requested information will serve in the interest of justice and is not contrary to U.S. policy. Common documents for authentication include:

Single Status 单身证明

Marriage Certificate 结婚证公证

Birth Certificate 出生证公证

Powers of Attorney 委托书

Articles of incorporation 公司成立

Commercial Document 商业文件

In accordance with international practice and consular practice in China, the purpose of consular authentication is to ensure that notarial deeds issued in one country can be acknowledged by relevant authorities in another country, and the deeds can have its due legal effect, which shall not be affected by doubts on the authenticity of the seal or signature on the deeds. The Chinese Consulate General in the United States can authenticate notarial deeds and other documents issued by relevant authorities of the United States for use in China. The deeds or documents should be certified by the Authentication Office of the Secretary of the State first.


外国人(含外籍华人)应在美国当地有资格的公证机构办理公证。公证文书如需送往中国使用,还须办理美国政府部门的认证(Authentication)以及中国驻美使领馆的认证(Legalization)。 总领事馆可为由美国有关机构出具、并经领区内各州州务卿认证的、拟送往中国使用的公证书或者其他证明文书等办理领事认证。 

Consular authentication by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in the U.S. is not required for relevant documents to be used in Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR of China. As long as these documents are notarized by a local notary public of the U.S. and apostilled by the Secretary of the State or the Authentication office of the U.S. Department of State, they can be used in Hong Kong or Macao.  

送往中国香港、澳门地区使用的有关文书,无需办理领事认证。有关文书经美国当地机构公证(Notary Public),并经有关州务卿或美国国务院认证办公室(Authentication Office)办理附加证明书(Apostille)后,即可在香港、澳门使用。