PHONE: (510)396-8932
ADDRESS: 38350 Fremont Blvd Suite 202C
                    Fremont, CA 94536
Document List 材料清单 Processing Time & Fee 处理时间及费用
          Effective 3-15-2016 
  Check all items that apply NOTE: if an item is missing it may cause time delay and a $5 additional error correction fee will be assessed
1 These first 7 items are required for all types of visa
1.1 Y
Original Passport
Must be valid for at least six months at the time of application AND have at least one blank visa page.
The endorsements page do not consider a visa page. Do not REMOVE any previous visa. 
1.2 Y
Passport Copy
Copy of passport photo page  
1.3 Y
Local ID Copy
Copy of Local ID
Could be Driver's License/ Identification Card/ recently Water Bill/ Bank Statement etc. 
Just need to prove your residence. For kids, please send copy of parents'  Local ID.
1.4 Y
One 33mm(W)x48mm(H) Photo
33mm(W)x48mm(H) photo affixed (or stapled)  to Visa Form V2013 bare-head, full front face color photo on white background printed on photo paper and taken within last six months. Please note: the 2"x2" USA passport photo is NOT OK. Here's the requirement for the photo.
1.5 Y
Visa Application Form
V2013 (4 pages) - Visa Application Forms from our website: Must be typed in and completed, no handwriting. If an item does not apply, leave it blank. Remember to sign and date the form.
1.6 Y
Payment Check
  Amount  is shown in invoice.
Make check payable to China Visa Notary
1.7 Y
Supporting Docs
Every visa requires supporting docs.
See item #3 below 
2 NON-USA passport holder requirement
NOTE: Citizens of some countries must apply in person, like France, call for details. 
A legal document
allowing for stay in USA long term.
Such as Green Card, F/H/L or TN/TD work visa. This refers to a long term legal stay. Documents should be copied clearly.
3 Required supporting documents by visa type
   L Visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
Documents showing the itinerary including air ticket booking record (round trip) or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China.  
   F/M Business visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
Invitation from China counterpart Invitation from China must be 1) on letterhead; 2) signed by a represantative; 3) bear the company red seal (stamp).
   Q1 Visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
For family reunion, the following documents are required:
1) An invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit who lives in China.
2) Photocopy of Chinese ID of the inviting individual or foreign passport and permanent residence permit.
3) Original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship issued by Public Security Bureau or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members between applicant and inviting individual.

foster care, please refer to the consulate's website for details.
"Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.

Holders of Q1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people's governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners' residence permits. 持证人入境中国后须在30日内向拟居留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构申请办理居留证件。
   Q2 Visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
1) An invitation letter by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit who lives in China.
2) Photocopy of Chinese ID or foreign passport and permanent residence permit of the inviting individual.
NOTE: 邀请人是中国公民需提供身份证复印件,邀请函中的中国地址必须用中文填写。邀请人是外籍长期居留人士需提供护照和中国绿卡复印件。
   S1 Visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
1) An invitation letter from the inviting individual (a foreigner who stays or resides in China for work or studies) which contains:
2) A photocopy of the inviting individual's passport and residence permit
3) Original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship issued by Public Security Bureau or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of immediate family members between applicants and inviting individual.
"Immediate family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons or daughters under the age of 18, parents-in-law.

Holders of S1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people's governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners' residence permits. 持证人入境中国后须在30日内向拟居留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构申请办理居留证件。
   S2 Visa
See #3.9 below for Invitation details
For visiting family members for a short period, the following documents are required:
1) An invitation letter issued by the inviting individual (a foreigner who stays or resides in China for work or studies) which contains:
2) A photocopy of the inviting individual's (a foreigner who stays or lives in China for work or studies) passport and residence permit
3) Photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members between the applicant and the inviting individual.

private affairs, documentation identifying the nature of the private affairs should be provided as required by the consular officer. 
"Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.
NOTE: 邀请人是中国公民需提供身份证复印件,邀请函中的中国地址必须用中文填写。邀请人是外籍长期居留人士需提供护照和中国居留许可复印件。
   X1/X2 Visa
1) Admission letter from a school;
To apply for X1 visa, you also need to provide:
2) Visa authorization letter from a government office (JW201 or JW202).
Original documents are needed and will be returned.
   Z Visa
1) Foreign Expert work permit.
2) Visa authorization letter from a government office.
Original documents are needed and will be returned.
3.9 Invitation letter should include:
1)  Applicant's personal information: name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc;  
2)  Information about the trip to China: purpose of the visit, date of arrival and departure, places  visiting, relationship to the inviter, and  who will bear the cost of the applicant's trip cost in China;   
3)  Information of the inviter: If Company, letterhead, contact info, seal, and legal representative’s signature; if  individual, personal info (address, phone, etc) , and ID card copy.
邀请单位或邀请人信息: 邀请单位名称或个人姓名、电话、地址、单位印章、法定代表签字等。中国境内个人出具邀请函时, 包含地址电话等个人信息,并提供身份证件复印件。 
For sample invitation letter please refer to (邀请函样本参见):
4  For Chinese origins or Chinese descent  以下适用于华人和华人的孩子 (Including those who were born in Taiwan, H.K., or Macau)
签证表的第1.2项, 华人必须填写曾经用过的中文姓名。
签证表的第2.8项, 说明邀请人的姓名, 关系, 地址, 电话等信息, 用中文填写。
4.3     原中国(台湾,HK)公民(及华人孩子) 必须按顺序有以下任何一种: 
    现行护照里有旧的中国签证 -OK;
    旧护照里有旧的中国签证: 要旧护照原件 + 最近一次签证复印;
    首次申请: 最近的中国(台湾.HK)护照原件 +照片页(及延期页) 的复印;
    OR, 海外出生的华人孩子首次申请: Birth Certificate复印;
            如果有过旅行证, 要旅行证原件加照片页复印
5 More tips for visa form:  (for items in Visa Application Form V2013)    签证申请表注意项目
    5.1 (1.1) If the name is new in this passport, need a copy of court record; or marriage certificate. 改名字要有法庭记录 or结婚证。
    5.2 (1.2) Write down your Chinese name if you were born in China, Taiwan, Hongkong or Macau.  华人必须填写曾经用过的中文姓名。
    5.3 (1.9) Use Driver's License Number or passport number for child. 可用驾照号码; 小孩可以填入护照号码,不能空白。
    5.4 (1.15)  If select "Self-Employed" need to state professional area in the “other” area;
    5.5 (1.17) If company name DOES NOT reflect business nature, i.e."ABC Corp." -State Manufacturing/Financial /Retail /Health, etc. 
   If employment is related to army, news media, or religious organization, etc. need an additional statement. Email for information.
   If a student, must supply school name, address, phone number, even if in K-12.
    5.6 (2.1) It's easiest to check only one.  The more checked, the more complicated it may be.
    5.7 (2.2) Ten year visa is possible when your passport has at least 12 months validation.
6  Error proof tips  - our experience shows the following items are most often problems:
  6.1 Visa Application Form: Most often missed items while it is required:  
       Chinese Name: If the applicant was ever a Chinese citizen in the past.  
       Contact & Inviter in China; a MUST for business visa: an organization with contact person’s name, address and phone.  
               For Q1/Q2/S1/S2 visa:  May be a family member, relative, friend, with name, address, and phone.
     Signature, a MUST.  For children under 18 years old, a parent / guardian needs to sign both part 4 and complete part 5 
  6.2 Timing too tight & risk too high.  
        Regular processing takes about 8 working days. The SF Chinese Consulate stopped all Rush/Express services.   
        Keep in mind that we need 1-2 days to process documents. Unexpected delays can occur.  Always plan with extra days if possible.
  6.3  Short of supporting documents.  Read the checklist above in detail, you are assured all will be right.  
  6.4 Photo does not meet requirements  
       Photo is one of the most often rejected items, especially self-taken pictures. No problems when taken at a photo service shop.
       It must be “PASSPORT STYLE” photo, 2”x2”, bare head, full front face, white background, on photo paper.
7. Sit back and relax while waiting for your passport & visa to come back safely - if you did everything correctly.
Or, in the unlikely event that something is wrong, we will email you and assist you in correcting the problem.

P.S. Visa policies may change without notice.  What was done before does not assure the same for the next.